my introduction

Posted by death on Sept. 2, 2010, 9:51 p.m.

at first i wasn't going to do this whole blog thing until i noticed everybody is doing it (yeah following the crowd, what ever…) so with 66 hits on my page i mine as well say something.

where to start?

i guess i could explain my history with Game Maker… not much. i started with GM6 before YYG was up, didn't really get into the GMC at the time, not until 2009 oddly enough. When YYG was up i thought it was a great idea, i became a member the minute the site went up (i'm very active there even now)

this means i have about 4 years or so of GM experience. though there were many times i wouldn't use it for months. i'm 100% involve with GM as of 2009, on it daily/weekly working on so many projects.

i have a website i written in HTML mostly, here at:

you can take a look at all the blog updates there and all the games i have up. around 10 or so by now, i'm not counting.

and now to present a little something that i'm working on currently. it's an online battle game in Under60seconds style. here's a screenshot showing it's beautiful lighting and particle system ^^

(this is actually an older screenshot but that's all you get for now)


sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

and yes i love feedback but can some of you's try to limit the negativity? it's not helpful to come in here and just post "squares suck". thanks~
It's how we filter new members. If you hate it, don't visit 64D :D

i didn't know my blogs became such a hotspot for discussing computer languages… please discuss that else where. this isn't the place for it.
Welcome to 64D.

death 14 years, 5 months ago

i don't care to impress anybody and i'm as light as it gets.

okay so you don't like the background for the site? it probably looks worse on a hi-def monitor. mines a piece of s### so that's why i haven't noticed any of those things. i guess i could thicken the lines on the background… but it would take forever to change all the pages so don't expect much lol.

@ Xemic: if this is all the site has to offer than no wonder it's so small…. but at least i can delete any posts on my blog that i don't like, that's a good thing lol.

sirxemic 14 years, 5 months ago

if this is all the site has to offer
Don't worry, it isn't :D

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

than no wonder it's so small
Are you comparing a hobbyist's creation to a professional site?

And to build on what Xemic said, we can tell who's going to be cool by the way they take criticism and sarcasm. Here's a tip: 70% of the "negativity" here was sarcasm. The other 30 was constructive criticism.

Also, as a web designer, you offer customer service. If you can't meet the customer's demands, you will get no customers, and in turn, get no money (in your case, get no visitors). These comments are for your own good, not for us to get a little fun from pestering the newbie.

The day you learn to take criticism will be the start of your successful life.

Scott_AW 14 years, 5 months ago

Actually I ment on that game screenshot on this page, the background should be darker. Your website just brings waves of nostalgia.

Rez 14 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to 64D.

death 14 years, 5 months ago

The day you learn to take criticism will be the start of your successful life.
it's easier to take criticism when i ask for it lol and sorry if i don't seem "cool" to you. i'm not trying to be and never will be.

Castypher 14 years, 5 months ago

and yes i love feedback
Like it or not, criticism is feedback. It's cool that you're delving into new things, but you have to realize that there are people out there that know much more than you. It's in your best interest not to shun their suggestions. It might help you improve your newfound skills.

I honestly think criticism is the most valuable type of feedback. I'd always take criticism over "Yeah, it looks okay," and any other real compliment.

Lapixx 14 years, 5 months ago

Quote: killin
(…) not for us to get a little fun from pestering the newbie.

You forgot "primary" in that sentence :)

Quote: deathzero021
but at least i can delete any posts on my blog that i don't like

At least people will like you more then :/ Kilin is right, criticism is feedback, and a useful type of feedback too.

Anyways, welcome to 64D.

death 14 years, 5 months ago

i never said criticism is not feedback.. i know it is. where do you people get this c### from? always acting so superior, knowing it all right? i didn't ask what criticism is so why tell me?

and barely ANYBODY left a suggestion at all. so i didn't "shun" anything. it was just people coming in and saying negative things and arguing with each other.

you's keep saying that i'm making a bad impression but it's this site that makes a bad impression on new members.