Dead Rising 2
I got this game today from GameFly. It's great so far, the game mechanics are a lot like part 1. The main character doesn't walk like he has diarrhea this time, and he doesn't have a camera. Combining stuff to make weapons is cool.
More Zelda Minish Cap tiles
These are modified from the last tile set. They also include Harvest Moon garden sprites/tiles. The Harvest Moon tiles took a long time to rip.

Zelda Minish Cap tileset
Created/Ripped by me
Everything lines up 16*16 some stuff have to be used with transparency on.

Final Fantasy 13
This game was horrible. I'm thru with SquareEnix, unless it's a Dragon Quest RPG (which are awesome). The battle system was slightly better, but you can only control one character :( No world map AGAIN :( Also the game is boring the characters are cool looking, but very very uninteresting. …
Motomu Toriyama cries about Final Fantasy 13s low scores
I'm not sure what to think, I've read quite a few different things about it. I'm not sure where I stand, but I probably won't buy it. Just rent it thru GameFly. If the battle system is good, I might buy it.Hi guys! I changed my name for the gurls
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
o god c4n someone fix my 4ccount
Flashback is out to get me!