Restarting the minecraft map!

Posted by firestormx on Jan. 25, 2011, 9:59 p.m.

Now that I've got your attention, I was thinking that the minecraft map is getting really big and expansive. It's cool to have a ton of completed stuff on a server, but the server grows so fast that it's hard to keep up, and when something is done, we kind of move on and abandon whatever we were working on before.

What do you guys think of restarting the map every month?

Basically on the first of each months, we'd zip up the current map, make it available in an archive for anyone to download and play in single player (or for us to go back to later), and then start fresh with a new map.

It's just an idea, and I know a lot of people have invested a lot of time into their stuff, so I don't know if anyone would want to restart, but it's a thought. What do you guys think of it?

Edit: Kabob brought up a cool idea of just moving the spawn point, instead of creating a whole new map. This would allow people to warp back to the old spawn to look at/work on their projects, while encouraging others to start fresh in the new area.


Alert Games 14 years ago

But id rather move the spawn point and "start over" that way if it doesnt affect the server

adamskii97 14 years ago

If you rename the map files you can save them and come back to them later. If we just move the spawn point it will still be too filled up so if we save the old one then move to a new one occasionally then we can go back to the old map and explore :D


damn AG beat me by 2 mins :(

KaBob799 14 years ago

If we rename the map files, we wont come back. We just wont. Especially if we have more than one old version.

My problem with just moving the spawn is that the map is large and laggy. Completely restarting the map will help with that. It is ridiculous to be the only person on late at night, and yet still get horrifying amounts of lag.
Large maps don't increase lag, people have tested it. Our map has barely gotten bigger in the past month but the lag has gotten much much worse. Probably due to hey0 glitches or something to do with the server itself. According to the bukkit people hey0 is laggy, so hopefully that is it.

have creative-oriented players living in one area of the map, and have roleplayers in the new area of the map
That pretty much happened anyway, at least in my case. It's not like I've spent much time outside of obsidia and cheesetown and I wouldn't be following you guys to the new spawn except to see what you build. Once we switch to bukkit from hey0 we can probably come up with a user group/permissions system to make the groups more seperate, heck we could probably figure out a way to define all areas farther than -10000 (in whatever direction) as roleplaying areas where the only command you could do is /warp oldspawn.

In response the pm sent out about this. Do not move the spawn to the east. It would be next to obsidia. I suggest north, though west/south would work too. And don't remove all the old /warps, just wait for bukkit and do the permissions thing I talked about.

adamskii97 14 years ago

I suggest north

But that's where me and Alex explored really far… so

KaBob799 14 years ago

We've explored far in every direction, but nobody has gone 10000 away in any direction and the only major thing even close to 10000 away is obsidia.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Ok I have refined my idea:

To make things fair, we give everybody the op priveleges of tp, item, etc. /time will be disallowed except in special cases, and limited to ops, since it would affect everybody. Furthermore, we move the spawn 15000 blocks to the north, with no warps/homes to it at all. Not even /spawn. Using bukkit we make it so you can't use /item or /sethome past 7500 blocks to the north, so nowhere within 30 minutes of the new spawn. You can warp to the old locations from anywhere and then play creatively with /item, but the only real way back is death so you would have to really try to take the items back with you. We could even build a bedrock wall at 7500 to make the walk even longer, though thats just if you think the walk isn't enough prevention.

For non-ops, /item will have a few limitations such as only 10 blocks at a time and not bedrock, obsidian, tnt, or other dangerous griefing materials. This will help prevent anything from going wrong with the expanded priveleges.

note:i oppose giving non-ops /item, but people were saying it wasn't fair. Feel free to ignore that part of this idea.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Thats why I have it divided so it would be unreasonable to bring /item stuff back to the survival new spawn. But even if we don't give everyone /item, this idea would still prevent ops from bringing /item stuff to the new survival area.

Anybody that did take stuff back would have a 30+ minute walk from the edge of no teleport zone, and anything worth taking that walk to /item would be obvious. I guess its also theoretical that bukkit could create an invisible or visible wall of sorts at a certain x/z value, but thats just a guess.

Kamira 14 years ago

Giving oldspawn area /item priveleges will devalue a lot of what's been built there. Also, someone needs to make that fireproof mod.

Josea 14 years ago

Hell no. If I lose all the stuff I've built I quit.

First, like Kabob has said, the map size really doesn't matter at all, they're just a bunch ~3 Kb files stored on disk. You would need to fetch thousands of chunks at the sime time to cause any reasonable lag.

Second, it's obvious that the lag was caused by the large amount of plugins we had. I play on Far, my connection is crap, yet I've had absolutely zero lag (including yesterday when DF was saying he was lagging)

The only change I'd be fine with would be moving the spawn WITHOUT removing warps and homes. No 'special' privileges on the current area like Kabob suggested.

In any case, if you agree with wiping the server, I'd like to get a copy of the current map.

Alert Games 14 years ago

It would be cool to have walls around a city at the spawn, then have buildings inside it to shoot arrows at the mobs released into the city. then make repairs and such to damaged stuff in the city. If there was a new spawn/new map.