Tried Hell. Was tired, and hadn't played for awhile, so I died in first stage. Decided to warm up with Heaven. Got to Stg3 without a miss, beat it with one life left(Lost two during final foe(Dang final death had me running into slow bullets and dying when looking at …
The Validity of a Blank
A conflict I had with my science teacher over the possibility of an answer answers itself in this highly informal "essay"
Given a question which asks for a case that there is no suitable answer, one may conclude that writing nothing would suffice. However, it would appear that such an …Bullets cure everything
And blame. That is why I blame stampede for why I decided to start playing with LISP and bearing retarded children languages. ALL HIS FAULT
Anyways, finished The Gods Themselves, and I suggest that if you read it, stop after the second part. The third part is lame and simply …Dang bugs
Been dealing with both the real and unreal. Ants are infesting my precious computer room, and last night I had a switch with duplicate entries so that I spent an hour working on one perfect segment code that indeed was perfect. Too bad it was the second dup and so …
Ya, so I got it to print out "HELLO"
Which means I've basically got a Befunge interpreter down. Which now means all I need to do isMake an interface because notepad sucksGet it to parse the lines instead of manually copy pasting read-lineAdd extensions (currently trying to …999bytes of broken opensource
'code '()'x 0'y 0'xs 1'ys 0'mode 0'str ""'lbd ""'dbg 17)(letn ((n 0) (f (open "C:/Program Files/newlisp/(pOjek)/_.txt" "r")))(push (explode (lower-case (read-line f))) code -1)(push (explode (lower-case (read-line f))) code -1))(while (> dbg)(dec 'dbg)(case mode((0) …Scripting a scripting language
Helps to learn a language
But that leaves my Entropy comp starved for attention. *pushes into case, locks lid, hides under pillow*Anyways, yesterday I was prodded with interviews and surveys for three AND A HALF hours about pretty much one question, Are you sad?Ya, boring. So I talked …Results
From the past blog my small sample of two has been profiled
stampede doesn't waste time on obvious facts, but instead finds glee about things that he wishes he would spend more time on (Who doesn't have time for rR, sheesh)PY has a long name with an easy abbreviation …It's a small youtube
Yes, seems much fun can be had with this program. The other great one for awe ishttp://99-bottles-of-beer.net/language-malbolge-995.html(If you don't know of Malboge, go learn(of, of course))Anyways, off