A warning for Windows XP users.

Posted by wazu on Dec. 21, 2007, 1:58 a.m.

What I am about to show you is… some old pre-release screenshots of windows XP (apparently, Microsoft forgot to remove them from explorer.exe, so simply decompile, and Bob's your uncle.) showing the development of the OS.

Alright folks, I want you to look at the tray at the bottom of your screen. Look at the start, and those 5 little dot things just to the right of it… apparently, they couldn't decide whether or not to put it in, so here's some of the screenshots of the tray:

Now look at the following banner things (supposed to go on the start menu, but ditched before release) - they refer to Windows Server 2003 as "Codename Whistler Server":

Also, look at the screenshot (no higher res available, this is the only screenshot of the unfinished XP in explorer.exe)

Okay, leave a comment containing conspiracy theories based on my findings…. NAO!


stampede 17 years ago


And those five dots, you can show/hide them if you like. Lock/unlock the taskbar.

Lapixx 17 years ago

Yea, that's just an indicater wheter the taskbar is locked.

anyway, what do you want to show us? :/ I don't really see the problem. Just get a Mac :P

by the way, there are 7 dots…

stampede 17 years ago

Oopsie, should have checked before I say anything :D

SquareWheel 17 years ago

Yeah, they are just the draggable part. =/

shad0w 17 years ago

Moron, you can also set the start menu to classic and get the side strip.

Firebird 17 years ago


sirxemic 17 years ago

[warning=????]What's the warning your title tells about?[/warning]

mixahman 17 years ago

i love the classic view better than the xp/vista view. people sometimes think I still use win98. lol

Lapixx 17 years ago

@C-Ator9: 'Be aware of the 7 dots in the taskbar' :P

stampede 17 years ago

mixahman: Same here!