I want to keep an open communication between myself and all of you for the duration of the initial setup and execution of the 64Digits Spring Competition. I'm going to be using this as a sort of training grounds for the full on GAME JAM I'm going to be hosting later this year,
OHJAM (which is a separate entity from this competition).
Let me know if you have anything to add or have any questions on anything!
I respond better to facebook or twitter messages.
The theme "limited color palette" doesn't necessarily have to mean you use a limited color palette for the gfx…
What else does it mean then? I'm a bit confused now 0_0. Maybe a proper explanation of each theme would be good seeing how some are for the gameplay, others are for story etc
It could mean whatever you can interpret the words "limited color palette" to mean. :p
It could be a gameplay mechanic, for instance. Or perhaps part of the story.Or you could have a limited bullet color palette (rgb) and have to figure out how to kill enemies that span the colors of the rainbow. Stop being so closed minded!
S3xySeele has the idea.Now THAT I can get on board with. Way to be optimistic guys.
then we had optional themes and everyone was like trainwreck.gif
Seriously Cyrus! That was my idea too XD
Ahh, I really need to think outside the box more, thanks :D.
Voting lasts for the rest of the week. If you have a particular theme you would like to do, rally the troops via facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc.
ANYONE CAN VOTE ON THE THEME FOR THE COMPETITION SINCE IT'S NOT MANDATORY.Have fun, and get pumped.IMO "Limited palette" isn't a theme, it's a handicap. It would be like saying "the theme is, must only use two buttons". And it's pretty vague too, some people (me!) would think SNES limitations are a-OK (aka no gradients and 16-something colors per sprite) while others'd interpret it as the Hero Core Clone Jam.
Still, it's probably a top 3 of those themes. But I'll go for the best: weird west. :P Hey, it even rhymes!