64D Spring Competition Info Blog

Posted by Acid on Feb. 22, 2014, 9:10 p.m.

I want to keep an open communication between myself and all of you for the duration of the initial setup and execution of the 64Digits Spring Competition. I'm going to be using this as a sort of training grounds for the full on GAME JAM I'm going to be hosting later this year, OHJAM (which is a separate entity from this competition).

Let me know if you have anything to add or have any questions on anything!

I respond better to facebook or twitter messages.



Acid 10 years, 11 months ago

I thought I made it clear, but I rephrased what is stated in the rules as a response.

Basically: Don't be a dick. You know if you're cheating, and you'll get busted. Reskinning games is not making a new game. I'm looking at you, Flappy Bird rip offs.

Kunedon 10 years, 11 months ago

I'm looking at you, Flappy Bird rip offs.

Acid 10 years, 11 months ago

If you add creative touches, that's cool. But there's a "Flappy Bird" engine floating around, and if someone uses that and just changes the graphics, that game is getting the axe.

Maverick Bird is an excellent example of what your came could be, even if you want to base it off of something outrageously simple or overdone.

Astryl 10 years, 11 months ago

>goes to site and votes for an interesting mechanic

>results show that most people seem to be voting for a limited color-palette

Castypher 10 years, 11 months ago

I hope the theme isn't mandatory. Most of the themes seem less than fun to work with at the moment, and while a limited color palette works for jams (and is common as fuck in jam environments), I can't see it being that great for a month-long competition.

The upside of course is that it'd force people to focus on anything but art.

Ah well, we'll see where it ends up.

colseed 10 years, 11 months ago

I think Acid's said a few times now that the theme is optional, but it should probably be mentioned in the official literature somewhere (which as far as I can tell it isn't at the moment)

on an unrelated note, i like how a competition that is explicitly named the Spring Competition has received no votes towards using "Spring" as a theme

Astryl 10 years, 11 months ago

The theme isn't mandatory, but it gives me an excuse to use NES style artwork if I want to :P

Astryl 10 years, 11 months ago

I voted for Growth. Thought it would make for an interesting theme to base mechanics or story around.

Nehemek 10 years, 11 months ago

Ah ah ah, few time left, I can start to feel the pressure! (Being this my last year in highschool I've had almost none free time which have made game dev very hard).

The good thing about themes is that it gives you a clear goal, something to focus on rather than wander around thinking "What will I do?" "What will I add next?", you simply lose less time and are more decided on what you are doing.

PD: Excuse my 3:25 am english.

EDIT: Is limted color pallete a theme? I thought that is more like a handicap (Like in the GMC jams), I don't find consistency with the themes in the poll.

Pirate-rob 10 years, 11 months ago

I can actually see using limited colour palette as a theme rather than a limitation.