I want to keep an open communication between myself and all of you for the duration of the initial setup and execution of the 64Digits Spring Competition. I'm going to be using this as a sort of training grounds for the full on GAME JAM I'm going to be hosting later this year,
OHJAM (which is a separate entity from this competition).
Let me know if you have anything to add or have any questions on anything!
I respond better to facebook or twitter messages.
All themes are limitations - I left it open to interpretation to get a wider variation in styles and games while still inspiring ideas for games! Anything else is just semantics. :P
And, again, the theme is optional.Yaru, it'd be more like if the theme were just "two buttons".
There's plenty of room for creativity with a theme like "two buttons", you don't have to automatically jump to the conclusion that it means that the game must be controlled with two buttons. You could, for instance, make an air hockey game where there's two oversized clothes buttons instead of a puck.It's all about how imaginatively you can twist the interpretation of the theme. :)These last few days before the start of a competition are the worst… I've got so many ideas buzzing around my mind, and I can't do anything about them…
Ah, I see. Guess I'm not as creative as I think I am. Or maybe I interpret the rules too strictly, I'm very good at taking things literally.
…so if this is the case …this is starting to sound more and more fun! ^____^So "limited palette" could for instance be used for a game about a painter who needs to save up his paint for something. "buttons" are a bit easier to go crazy with since the word has more meanings, but, well, this got my gears rolling.Since the theme most likely will become "limited color palette", I suggest to add a subheader to encourage people to try interpret the theme as something gameplay-related. The way it is worded just makes it sound like an implementation limitation. Perhaps something like "few colors" would have been better, in hindsight, as that sounds less as an implementation limitation.
I am already going to expand on whatever the theme ends up being. Let me do this, guys… :P
"Few colors" has a different connotation, and that's not what I meant.Everybody keeps trying to jump the gun and change my ideas, but it's running fine, just chill.Now your edit doesn't make sense. :P
Acid, nobody's doubting your ability to run the competition. There's just a little confusion here and there that needs to get ironed out. Nothing more.
You've donean excellentA SMASHING job so far and I think everyone recognizes that.