I want to keep an open communication between myself and all of you for the duration of the initial setup and execution of the 64Digits Spring Competition. I'm going to be using this as a sort of training grounds for the full on GAME JAM I'm going to be hosting later this year,
OHJAM (which is a separate entity from this competition).
Let me know if you have anything to add or have any questions on anything!
I respond better to facebook or twitter messages.
i'm too dumb to work in Unity directly, and too burned out with GM. but if anyone is busy and needs help with graphics and music i'd be happy to join a team. :3
You can officially join now guys. I'll post more information and junk tomorrow.
Stuff to ponder and contemplate and think about: - More potential sponsors - Avenues for event promotion - Places to attract more people to join in - Whether you want to use Unity as a platform or not (If you're planning on using it, you better start practicing on the free version) - How is Acid so awesome?I'll join in, using Unity, and will make something relatively simple. :P
Have you tried the TIGSource forums yet as a way of getting some extra attention?I'm in. Is there a theme or anything?
A shot at a Unity Pro license? I am so in.
And I guess I'll be using Unity for the competition. I've messed around with it in the past, but never really made anything very game-ish… and this is the perfect opportunity to change that.I keep freaking out because more companies/websites haven't responded and then I remember that I just started sending out notifications and requests yetsterday. My sense of time is whacked out due to lack of sleep. :P
I really want to do this right, guys! So here's the plan for forum posts: - Wait until AFTER March 1st to share this event on any forum or other website. - If you let me know, I can put the link in the Outreach/Mentions section. - DO NOT label your post as an official 64digits Competition post, those have to follow certain guidelines set by the sponsors. Let me know if you want to make it an official topic/post, and I can help you out with that.I'm only one dude, and I'm busy with school, Finn, my games, and organizing this event. While I'm still going to make my eyes bleed to get this running with as few problems as possible, I'm going to have to try to depend on your guys to get the word out once March rolls along.WOAH that's an enticing prize.
Uh, sure. Lets do this.I offer my services to join a team as a 3d artist/ general design as well as possibly some non engine programming stuff.