64D Spring Competition Info Blog

Posted by Acid on Feb. 22, 2014, 9:10 p.m.

I want to keep an open communication between myself and all of you for the duration of the initial setup and execution of the 64Digits Spring Competition. I'm going to be using this as a sort of training grounds for the full on GAME JAM I'm going to be hosting later this year, OHJAM (which is a separate entity from this competition).

Let me know if you have anything to add or have any questions on anything!

I respond better to facebook or twitter messages.



Nehemek 11 years ago

Ohohohohho another 64 digits comp! Last time I participated in one I ended in 5th place :)! (That was in 2012)THIS TIME I'LL WIN >: D

Rez 11 years ago

good job, acid. really, man :)

maybe we should advertise this to a few other sites so we get an even bigger turnout?

spike1 11 years ago

Quote: Guy on GMC
Gtfo, Unity sucks.
Wow, I thought they were a bit more mature than that…

What sort of support is needed? As in answering questions that users have?

Acid 11 years ago

I'm busy right now, but later I'll modify the apparently extremely offensive image.

Edit: I'm assuming Cyrus had something to do with it, but thanks to whoever fixed it! :D

Acid 11 years ago

Nick Simmons and gog.com are sponsors, but I'm waiting for GOG to send me some info and their logo.

Acid 11 years ago

I'm going to comment every time there's a significant development with the competition. That will bump the blog back up to the top of the activity feed, maintaining the hype for the event.

NOW on to the great news: The IGDA is offering its support in the way of promotion - a spot on their event calandar and in one of their weekly newsletters.

Edit: It is, Mega. :P

Astryl 11 years ago

Wow, that's really big. Assuming it's this IGDA: https://www.igda.org/

Very nice Acid. Very nice :P

Acid 11 years ago

Let me know if any of you guys have ideas for potential sponsors or avenues for promotion. (Forums, other communities, social media pages, etc.)

Powerful Kyurem 11 years ago

If I wasn't busy, I'd go on the gmc right now and +1 that post. This competition is awesome. I won't be participating, though.

Cyrus: I had no idea you were on the gmc. That is a neat avatar, both on the gmc and here.

S3xySeele 11 years ago

Well, as much as I would've liked to use Unity for this, it's looking like I may not have as much time for this as I wanted. So it seems I'll probably have to use GM:S.