S4D Mini Progress Reports

Posted by Astryl on Sept. 20, 2014, 1:28 p.m.

This blog is for posting small bits and pieces of progress you've made; anything that you feel doesn't warrant an entirely new blog.

And try to comment on other people's work a bit too! Feedback is going to be very useful during the course of this competition!


Yaru 10 years, 4 months ago

My game is practically done, we're just running super-secret beta testing behind the scenes.


- More than one playable character!

- Scary notes to read!

Astryl 10 years, 4 months ago

Haven't done anything for the last week… too many distractions.

Spent a bit of time touching art up and adding detail with my tablet today:

EDIT: I'm considering switching to my backup plan at this rate.

gekido 10 years, 4 months ago

slow progress. work has been crazy busy, and the steam game I'm working on in my spare time is trying to be feature complete by the 15th, so my side-project's side project (ie scary4) has been a bit slow going.

have the basic zone / room / floor movement system working, pretty happy with that, character movement is working.

next up from the coding side is to add the mob spawning and tower capture components (which are the biggest elements of the gameplay).

still haven't decided what to do from the artistic side. i realize that the content is supposed to be all custom for the project, which means…i need to get my act in gear and build some 3d models. The levels are all going to be done with the base unity terrain system in conjunction with the procore suite (grids & builder), which will definitely speed things up. started to sketch out a basic map (using the standard 3 lane moba template), but haven't actually started to build anything serious map-wise yet. going to have to buckle down and get that tackled asap…hmm…

xthemecore 10 years, 4 months ago

This is only one character in my game.

I started project two days ago. Hope it'll finish in time.

The Isolation (ã?²ã??ã?“もり) Project (You may say it's a game about Hikikomori guy.

My theme assignments are alone, ruthless and reanimate.I think my game will come in this way.)

Yaru 10 years, 4 months ago

BTW, I used this tool to render my MIDI compositions into WAVs. Free to use even for commercial projects, and very retro. Some of you might wanna check it out (if you think 8-bit + horror is a valid combination)


Astryl 10 years, 4 months ago

I personally detest the sound GXSCC produces. Feels like "canned 8-bit", to put it mildly.


Basically, if you have the time to make the MIDI, make it a good MIDI and render it with a high-grade soundfont.

If you really want the 'chiptune' aesthetic, then invest the time in learning a tool that allows you to create those instead.

Both formats have certain nuances that you cannot emulate with quick 'n dirty techniques.

LoserHands 10 years, 4 months ago

We're a week into October!! I'm feeling some pressure, lol.

Here's how my characters will look. These are common enemies mostly:


Astryl 10 years, 4 months ago

@LoserHands: I love that spider in the back.

I spent the evening quickly sketching a pile of junk:

It's rather rough and dirty, but I'm in panic mode at the moment. This is the first bit of work I've done in nearly four days, and I haven't even added a single enemy, core location or gameplay mechanic yet…

EDIT: Yay, pile of junk added!

I'm quite possibly going to switch to my backup project. And that would be a 3D shooter/something in my own engine.

My boss told me I can (And should) work on my projects during quiet periods… but I work on an Ubuntu machine. I've managed to get my usual C++ stuff set up and working, and I'd probably get a bit more done than I am now.

Zac1790 10 years, 4 months ago

Ugh, why am I still working on a nutcracker? I guess some level design is in order as well as gameplay…

I'm loving those characters LoserHands, for some reason the masked one is my favorite. The spider comes in second for me :P

Mega, so that means if you work on it at work it would have to be on your own engine instead of GameMaker? I think you should stick with the current project and just kinda identify concentric circles of scope with vital, important, secondary, tertiary, etc. as labels. Then work out from the center. I also know there will be a big motivation boost when you get that gameplay going! Not that I have that in my project yet either… :(

LAR Games 10 years, 4 months ago

I finally finished making my own textbox system for the player to enter.. text.

Took a surprising amount of time.