You're Unique Like Everyone Else
With the end of the RPG competition fast approaching, I'm going to go over a few things. But first, I just wanted to share something with all of you.
Why Not?
Here's my pixel art.

If I Had One Goal in Life....
I want to make someone cry.
I don't do storytime very much, 64Digits. But with our roots in a gaming site, I decided to share an interesting experience with you. And after this blog, I'd like to ask you the same question.At first glance, this may seem rather silly. …Leaving - Final RPG Update
Originally I was just going to go all AWOL without notice, but then I decided that would be too much jackassery.
Anyway, it's my turn to take a break.In short, I'm taking a leave of absence for about a month. That means no 64Digits and no Messenger. Those who …The Twilight Realm - Video 1
(Embedded Video)
I've been working nonstop on this lately. Hardly had time for myself anymore, but with Mega back in shape, I have little choice.This marks the end of the game's first of five stages. Quick cutscene with a demo of the particle artist's starter combat. Some of the …Progress Report - Month 1
Completely fruitless. Kind of completely. I jumped in deep water with the combat system, which I wanted to be one of the more unique things about my entry.
What have I accomplished in this first month (PolyStyle - HAH)?- Dialogue engine- Opening cutscene- Classes implemented, but each …Wishful Thinking - Road Trip
Fucking title.
I'm a writer.Contrary to many beliefs, a lot of time and research goes into a proper story.I've done a lot of research on my current focus, a story I'd like to finish by the end of the month as a personal challenge in the spirit of …Hi guys, it's Mother's Day
For lulz, this blog will be uncensored and I will never press the backspace key.
Today for Mother's day I went out for sushi at Kobe. We did teppanuakio at a grill. It was fun because there were a lot of people rather than the few that were there last …PURPLE is my FAVORITE COLOR!
Before I say anything, I'm going for an Earthbound/Mother 3 graphical style. The characters are done kind of my own way, but scenery is kind of in the "detailed simplicity" area. This means I'll have a shitton of tiles, but I'm not going for ground clutter like …wat
My devlogs do horribly, so here's a nice change of pace. It's an update blog, so if you for some reason find something you relate to, feel free to say something. But no pictures. Sorry FSX and Cesque.
Summer break is here!Now I'm wasting every day doing nothing because …