This is REAL Concept Art (RPG4D, Obviously)
It's probably time to turn my attention over to the RPG comp. I was working happily on Lixim, but noooo. You guys had to let your attention stop at placeholder graphics. Well I hate everyone.
So rather than pixel stuff, I did some sketching. For those who missed …Lixim Progress (Pics!)
So remember when I asked for a recommendation on which game to finish, and Lixim got a lot of answers, and I just plodded away for a little while and said nothing about it?
Well this is what I've been working on.

A Rat Blog
Seleney might enjoy this one. And I might post pictures later but I have to go take a final soon, and this just gave me a good laugh. Besides, I'm looking for one of the rats anyway.
So my sister has two pet rats. One she had for a couple …The Twilight Realm - Kilin's 64RPG
I don't really expect comments. Normally I like keeping things secret but I had some thoughts today that secret games don't do well because there should be at least a little hype. Or at least presence. So I'm just making my presence known, see?
Well I guess if everyone else …April 4th
So you want to hear about my life? Then prepare for a mind-blowing experience that nobody but me could possibly live.
I was born into a pack of wolves. But nobody told me that until I was ten years old and had been swimming with the orcas all my life. …Horrifying Yeti Dreamland
Because why not?
Can I Make a Depression Blog?
Sure is slow on 64D.
Anyway, not jumping into some fad or anything. You may not be happy to see a guy like me joining in on something like this, especially someone who (I personally think) is rather easygoing and laid back about things. But I assure you what I …Final Word Count
56,255. That's 202 pages for those who don't know that word counts are like the currency of writing.
My quota was anywhere between 70,000 and 80,000 (250-350 pages). I fell short. Far short. But what I have is good enough for the first draft. I'm giving it to a couple …Writing is Good
Here's a quick update. And I swear to god I'm being honest!
EDIT: FUCK.A little earlier this week, I started another novel that I occasionally mention, bringing my total to eight now. If anyone really cares, it's basically my take on Highlander (which I decided after I first devised …More Con Adventures
I got suckered into this one, didn't really feel well enough to go, and none of the panels were any good. Usually I do an annual anime con that runs in October, but there was one coming in March, so I thought why not?
Well I'll keep it short since …