[DSG] Gameplay VIDEO.
So, here's a look at some of the early gameplay and game's opening [after the intro animations, of course]
You'll notice the new HUD, it's much cleaner. Also note the 'z' icon to the bottom right of the screen, it illuminates when the Z button can be used when interacting …[DSG] Good news.
is beginning to play like a real game.The game actually has a beginning now and isn't just a bunch of random rooms. I'm finally programming in the gameplay!! :DThe ruins look sicker than ever, and I have screens.[DSG] I've begun again.
On Depths. Haven't worked on it in a good while.
Have a better story line.What's new everyone?I'm bored of making games :/New banner, it's metal as fuck.I'm on antidepressants now.……GUESS WHAT!No new screens.But, If you want to see my artwork, add …[DSG] Pixel Art + Screens
So something different. I thought I'd redesign the ship, and document how it comes along. So, here's the new ship!
[DSG] - Who wants to play Depths?
We've run in to some problems.
BUT, before we get all depressed and contemplate suicide, I have new screenshots!UPDATES: New hud, and I implemented ladders! They're fully functional, and it looks alot better in game as opposed to screenshots.[DSG] - Actual Measurable Progress
I have upgraded the lighting engine for the entire game. I replaced a lot of the lights with lanterns, and added a bunch of red foliage. Because red foliage looks awesome.
LATEST SCREENS AS OF TODAY:[DSG] - Thursday, and I'm a douchebag.
Yea, I know, that isn't today, it's tomorrow.
Because… tomorrow, I'm going to West Virginia to see my grandmother one more time before she croaks. Grim, huh?New avatar. Woo.And, RIGHT after I get back from West Virginia, I'm road-tripping to Texas to see my bestie sammie :D picture?? …[DSG] - Yea. Seriously. More strides in progress.
Alright. MORE PROGRESS. Well, like I said, I'm combining the ruins with the sandlands. I've come to a beautiful conclusion aswell!
Basically, Now we have 4 temples. And they're beautifully arranged:Ruun Temple: [location: Maibuu Rainlands]The jungle/wetland temple.Azkarian Temple: [location: Maibuu Sandlands] The desert/hot/sandy/fiery templeKailuu Temple: [location: Kailuu …[DSG] - pixel art! new background, looking pretty f'in swell
WANNA TALK NEW GRAPHICS? look at my banner. that's the new background for the ruun temple. ;] IT TOOK LIKE, 2.5 HOURS to pixel that shit.
NEW SCREENS!! These are screens of the Ruun Temple without the sick new background[DSG] - Alright, mates.
…oh hey.new layout.neat.FINISHED the entire world map.ALSO, many of you might be happy, others sad, that I've converted the soundtrack from MP3 to MIDI files… Yes, really. WHY?Well, I thought It'd be cool if the music for each area wasn't so repetitive. I've made …