Ember Skies Dev Blog 1

Posted by Glen on Oct. 24, 2010, 6:29 p.m.

Reviving the old RPG project that I started in January. The above is what I have so far. Over the next few days I'll be adding the beginning of the storyline.

The first demo will consist of about 30 minutes of gameplay and will introduce the plot and give users a chance to learn the controls and feel for the battle system.

A few things that you'll be expecting in the battle system is:

-Real time enemy spawn. No random stuff. You'll see the enemies walking around and will have a chance to chase them or run away.

-Turn base battles. Final Fantasy style.

-Leveling up system

Not much for you to see at the moment, just thought I'd introduce the project and let the few people who were in my RPG conversation the other day know that it is in fact being worked on.

I'd also like to let anyone whose making an RPG know that I'm all for tips and ideas. Need someone to test yours? Give me a shout. I'd appreciate feedback as well. Honestly, I doubt any of our RPG's are going commercial and they'll turn out a whole lot better if we discussed them with each other. RPG's aren't the best games built with Game Maker at the moment. I'd like to make a decent one, for myself and for the genres reputation.


Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Earthbound is one of the most underrated RPGs.
Sad too. Earthbound was a huge hit in Japan, but did poorly in the US. There are a few theories behind this, one being that Earthbound prodded at the American lifestyle and tried to make some humor of it.

Mother 3 was released only in Japan, but remains one of my top RPGs today.

The series as a whole is very unique, full of humor, and emotion. That's what an RPG should be (though you can skimp on humor if you want but that itself adds to the replayability).

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

Earthbound prodded at the American lifestyle and tried to make some humor of it.
You kidding? I love making fun of my country, I'mma look into this game.

BP Scraps 14 years, 4 months ago

Earthbound freakin' rocks.

I saw a cartridge for it the other day in the game store, they were selling it for 100 bucks, which is pretty decent.

Scott_AW 14 years, 4 months ago

I like it when you can see the enemies pre-battle.

Glen 14 years, 4 months ago

I hate random battles that appear unexpectedly. Like the first few FF games or the way Pokemon does it.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

I don't mind it in pokemon, and it only slightly annoyed me in dragon warrior monsters, but it was extremely annoying in FFX.

Scott_AW 14 years, 4 months ago

It depends on how often they occur in random. It can be okay if its now and then, but sucks when its like every 5 steps.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Pokemon had an interesting mechanic to its random battles. Running in grass got you in more fights. But random battles piss me off, even in Pokemon.

Glen 14 years, 4 months ago

I like the way FF12 deals with the monsters. You can see them from a distance and can walk up to them. You're prepared for the battle, or have the chance to avoid it by changing your course. Seemed more realistic to see a T-Rex from across the map than having something like…. "A WILD SNORLAX HAS APPEARED!" which is probably bigger than most of the grass lands in pokemon anyway. Realism and Annoyance issues. That's why I want to avoid random.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Even Earthbound, as early it was created, didn't have random battles. Hell, the whole idea was strategic to an extent and, dare I say, fun. Here's something that though most non-random-battle RPGs have, it's still a good idea to have in.

- Some monsters are faster than others, and likewise, some are slower

- Monsters might call their nearby buddies to fight with them (in Earthbound, any nearby pigs, for example, would attack you if you initiated one)

- You can attack from behind, getting the preemptive strike in combat

I forgot the others, but those are some good ways to force the player to employ strategy over luck.