Its a bird! its a plane! no wait....
its cheese! =D =D =0 =)
Oh teh noes
Oh noes I start school tomorrow, oh well I got a comp art class, a random comp class, physics and history. Shouldnt be hard.
Anyways…Games:TIM: I learned 39dll and moved it over to 39dll, however for absoloutly no reason it wont work. I can move the code into …Happy stuff!
Yeah, happy new year (a couple minutes after 12 at my house)
Anyway now for the usual reflection on the year.2006:Well this year was pretty awsome when it comes to the TZ Corporation. I am getting close the actually selling stuff (not online at first) and Ive learned …My comp is asploded
Yeah a week or so ago I finally got around to uninstalling my antivirus (norton 2004 o.0) so I could install a new one. My computer had been having all these strange problems, random programs messing up, flash mx not working, etc. Only after uninstallign it most of the small …
Blog Spree!
Wow I think I got back in the blogging mood =)
Well I am not really in the holiday spirit this year, it was almost suprising when I realized it was already december and it certainly doesnt seem like christmas is a few days away o.0Anyway I slightly updated …Im in the newspaper!
Well not yet… but i will be next week =0
My best friends dad works for the newspaper and apparently whenever thye decided to do an article on runescape my name came up and I got interviewed, they couldnt interview my friend cause his dad works for the paper and …Perfect Makes Practice
Eh.. this last 2 weeks of school have sucked completely. Too many projects, hard tests, and probelms. Like my library curse, I usually put off my work until the m,orning of the day its do, since I get to school 40 minutes before shcool starts (I ride a bus) I …
the ultimate reason
to make a blog is boredom =0
anyways on to the blogThis is probably the worst week of school this year, all my teachers think this is a great time to give us "easy" projects and tests which end up being the hardest stuff all semester. My grades are …Muahaha cheese explosion
I dont blog much do I, kinda strange considering I visit here every day. Well anyway on to blogging!
This week has been an ok week. I started my final in 2nd period (computer science, aka java programming) and finished it on tuesday (only one done so far). 2 weeks …