Networking D: Help plox.
Fuckin' networks, how do they work? I know how they work, but this has got me stumped.
I remember...
I remember when Minecraft was an "underground" (Hurrr hurr) game way back when it was perceived as a test bed for some ideas. Now it's all "new" and "colourful" and "friendly" - most importantly "gay" (To most of you that is).
But oh well. At least there's multiplayer and it …Voxels and MineCraft.
Wait, MineCraft has NOTHING to do with Voxels, so why is it in the title? Well, Minecraft tries to fake voxels through the use of lots and lots of cubes - but to be fair, that isn't true voxels.
Scott_AW got me thinking over his journal entries and voxels, and …Back from the dead
Kind of.
I'm also having a look at how Minecraft skins are made - I might make my own just for the lulz of it, but I am certainly not going to buy it.Also, this is a test, if you're logged in and you don't see anything below, log …RAGEQUIT FAD
Actually, no, I'm not joining that ragequit fad. Noobs.
Oh, and remember how I was banned from that art site some time ago? I got unbanned. You want to know wh- Actually, I know you don't care, but the fact is that the moderator THOUGHT I did something from MEMORY. …BANNED BANNED BANNED BANNED BANNED--
I found out why I was banned just today (I was banned from that art website a while ago), as I got a reply from some derpy moderator that was trying to explain why I was suspended from that art website I was bawwwing about a couple of days ago. …
Attention to all Minecrafters
In case you're late to the party, there's a Game Maker version of it - and it's not that bad!
You can create/place/destroy blocks in the exact same manner that Minecraft does and move about, jump and such (But it is a little glitchy because you can slide between two …3D not enough? Do you want 4D?
Heck no.
But some tard wasn't happy enough with having just 3 dimensional space, so he wants to make a game with a 4 dimensional space. This being on the Game Maker Community, is rather predictable., and today I passed my Multimedia course this year with flying …Oh, the *edit* old 64Digits Flash Banner?
It is glitched, and has poorly formatted text.

Cleanliest desktop award Part 2