happy happy 23rd
23 is my favorite number. it's also how old I turn today! whoooooooiiii let's get this party STARTEDDDDDDD
so I can't actually party, since all the school assignments that I now have are because I was super lazy this semester and.I'm playing catch-up, but if I had an Internet party …i went running today and it was schweet.
i ran today, for 17 minutes. and i'm pretty glad, because i have been so lazy lately that for the first time since my middle school years… i've gained so much weight that my THIGHS got bigger. big enough for them to rub against each other now when i walk… …
best external resources script
so i released my game right
(Embedded Video)and a bunch of my subs complained about the midi music i used to replace the .mp3's i was playing. i decided to use midis because fuck that! my game is a game maker project! hell, the FANGAMES that i played that …oh my god, gaia
i'd have a much better time on this site if it weren't so PC all the time
i feel like im' among social justice warriors all the time. feelsbadman.jpg
i like this video a lot
(Embedded Video)
i've seen it 10 times already!edit: and posting it made me watch it 2 more timesi feel like i became a man of few words
I feel that once i figured out what made me truly happy, i started to revert back to my ways of being unhappy out of comfort. like i don't deserve to be happy therefore me working towards being happy is a useless and time wasting concept. i'm supposed to have …
who is in charge of the FTP around here?
my website is embarrasing.
http://tohjofalls.altervista.comI've been running on a free webhost using freaking wordpress because I haven't been able to contact anybody from here that can access my old files from my old site. I used to have a seditio CMS running for a whole year, gathering data, posts, …wtf why isn't this working
since i don't frequent the GMC anymore or yoyogames i'd figure i ask here
why this no work if (heal_step=0) {
for (i=0;i>=6;i+=1) {
if (slot[i+1,0]!=0) { // meaning in slot i, is there a species sitting there?
} else { // if there isn't, end the …
the game maker & youtuber mashup
aeron, plz read my PM.
(Embedded Video)here i'm talking about my game for half an hour. i have a feeling you'll either love this or hate this, but i really did enjoy making this. it's not normal for me to talk about my game IRL since it's hard to …