Enter Falco!
Before I get to the Falco part, here's a comment page from a game I put up in Yoyogames:

The GMC.
So far, my topic has had 67 replies, 1670 views, the game has been downloaded a little more >100 times, and was posted on August 4th. Guess what it is? Yup, a fangame.
Anyways, as soon as I heard about the "make your avatar a game" fad, it got …Hello 64Digits!
Long time no blog! Or was it? Well, I'm too lazy to check, but I couldn't have been that long.
First, if you still have a GMC account, click here.In otherness, I got my schedule for school yesterday. For the first time, I get all the classes I …Animated PNG's ^_^
Well, not really PNG, but it's animated all right:

bad pokemon peoples
Game Fortress is the creator of Pokemon Twilight, a pretty popular fangame in the GMC. Since his game got so popular, he gave out an old editable (which I downloaded a while back for the lulz). Thing is, he uses strings to store pokemon data. Short example:
name="PIKACHU";attack=13;defense=10; …Promise has been kept.
Well, I never really made a promise, but what the heck.

Are you sad?
I'm sad, but it's not because of hormones or love issues. No, it's the end of the school year: a time when you regret making any friends. It's not as depressing as last year, but still sad. I'll still see some of my friends next year, but most of them …
Hey people. As usual, I'm here to spam the front page with useless blogs nobody cares about. Yup. So, what I've been up to:
pitchBlaqk - Remade: Clone of the unfinished dabridge.netdabridge.net - Original: The only screenshot taken of the site, showing it's secondary layout for logged in users(pitchBlaqk's …u n00b lamerz
I have, yet again, shown signs of life to 64Digits. It's almost been a month since my last blog, lolwut?
Anyways, I finally got a memory card and a wireless gamecube controller, so I can play gamecube games yet again! w00t. Well, not w00t. I only have two games. :P …It's super effective!
So I was looking at the Recent Blog list, right? I read through most of the blogs, and came up with the conclusion that most of them are boring. So, I also came up with an idea: what that list needs. Another boring blog! w00t