Year 26 - Ousin Prion
As days go by, I find myself with fewer and fewer words. My top priority is me and those close to me - it is not to preach to the world. My concern with my own life makes me feel selfish. My time is mine, and mine only - screw …
Surfaces and
The year is 2018. I have just learned how to use surfaces on GMS today. I feel special since I've always refused (being a kid that mostly revolved around GM 5.3, and did not have access to surfaces), yet my needs called for learning. I'm excited because there does seem …
hey guys i passed herpa-derp
I passed my national registry to be an EMT-B. I am now a glorified ambulance driver, whoo!
I'm really just logging in to say this to the 3 people that still visit this site. Shoutouts!ps. this means Cursed Black is back online. It's been 8 years of development, why …Cursed Images
Pokémon: Cursed Black 4.0 June 2018 Update
Currently working on inputting all of the data for encounters all throughout the game. It's kinda slow progress at this point but I do have something exciting to show:

- The battle system – it comes back, rewritten!
- Switching Pokemon is no longer …
Youtuber Comments
Documentation for Cursed Black
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i'm so wanting to stay home and work on my game. I've forced myself to work on it at least 30 mins a day for a week now and I have so much momentum building from it its insane. I suggest trying this out with any project that you …
Coffee Highs; Year 25
The more and more days pass, the more I am convinced I am still the same person, that I didn't undergo some kind of personality change or better individual.
The electricity of my fingers are non stop. I just wrote a 2 page essay in minutes over something for extra …Rambling and burnt.
im excited for this break coming up from school. ill get to work on cursed black again. i drew a doodle of Lavander Town yesterday during one of my study breaks, and i suck as an artist but the idea of finishing my game makes me feel complete.
my girlfriend …How important
I never got an award for how many times I changed my avatar, or how cool my hair looked, or how clean my blog layout looks. I also never got an award for telling people how cool I am by telling them about my video game, or how good I …