I'm out her GRINDIN'
EMS Academy - 12 hours a week
Immunology & Anatomy - 9 hours a weekWork - 40 hours a weekStudying - 20 hours a weekNow being offered a commission based job that could pay me $1,000 a week for a few days of work. If I could …[CB] Party Animation
Here is what I have:

List of things I want
I want to have a family
I want to be disciplinedI want to eat healthyI want to have moneyI want to be efficient at my jobI want people to want to talk to meI want my work to be so outstanding… some, not all people …bookworm. highs that never end.
This is my third day of isolation.
Oh god.And what has my move last year showed me?It showed me that I have a very… very limited time on this earth. And that if there are things I want in my life, I'm sure as shit not gonna get …cbp
Seamlessly integrated the inventory system with the menu system, no glitches!

Pennies for thoughts
So I'm facing the dilemma that I should really get settled before I rewrite this project again, because the changes will be pretty huge all throughout the project.
There's quirks in my game that are being replicated for the sake of nostalgia. For those of you that remember playing Pokemon …Happy new years!
This year was a good year. I have been lazy with standing up with what I believe in, but that doesn't make it any less true. I'm happy Milo's book is #1 on Amazon right now. I'm happy Mr. Trump won, and I made a 8-hour trip to go vote …
Holidays and Birthdays from a lunatic
i have a lot to look foward to. i'm in a new city, i have a new perspective on my career, i'm making way more money than i used to, i live in a house now, and.. i won't jynx the last one.
but this is one time, in years, …when will i come back?
When it rains, it pours, and goddamn is it pouring right now.
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