New start
Posted by Scott_AW on June 26, 2011, 6:08 p.m.
as scottaw1981 twitter account nears its 1000th tweet
I took the chance to waste the 13th to last tweet stating it was the 13th until 1000 tweets.So in the end, Animals win and now will be the ones to save mankindI guess the furries weren't such freaks after …6 days left
Posted by Scott_AW on June 14, 2011, 12:22 p.m.
Just 6 days left…til when? Well until the new game of course, if not sooner.
Lot harder than I thought, but the hardest part is done. The AI. Its the best AI ever made and soon you'll see…wait you already have, it is me ;)I'm krishna, I sit on …Sorry, been busy, new game coming out...
Posted by Scott_AW on June 9, 2011, 10:12 p.m.
Yeah, so I've been quiet, because I ended up dropping everything to finish a old game that I had left untouched too long.
Well I finally wrapped that up, so now it'll be coming out tomorrow.Of course you don't need a computer to play it.Its like VR but …Fun facts, take with salt.
Posted by Scott_AW on April 25, 2011, 10:56 a.m.
Earth - Our mother, she kind of mad and could be dying…
God in Heaven - Apparently the ultimate game designer.Universe - Still supreme god.So what exactly is GiH doing to Earth? What is his plans? We'll find out soon ^..-Find out what you're really thinking for free.
Posted by Scott_AW on April 21, 2011, 9:38 p.m.
You may be skeptical, but I did confirm it works with my 2 year old, when she's talking nonsense, its really just reversed.Simply talk without thinking while recording in a program like Audacity, reverse it and prepare to creep yourself out.While you're at it heres two of …
Lets prepose that some move on from GM to green pastures.
Posted by Scott_AW on April 18, 2011, 12:19 p.m.
These days theres a shit ton of programs and engines out there that let you make games.
Some do a better job than GM, while others…wellAnyway, I think those on the fence about GM should just get out of the yard and move on.I don't foresee any positive …Voxel win, mine-craft style
Posted by Scott_AW on April 17, 2011, 1:54 p.m.
Nuff said.Okay more said, this is Voxlap based.Avoid water though, its buggy, you can't jump out.
Town Folk
Posted by Scott_AW on April 14, 2011, 11:52 a.m.
Combat to the death.
Posted by Scott_AW on April 9, 2011, 1:34 a.m.
Combat coming soon, animations mostly done.
Posted by Scott_AW on April 8, 2011, midnight
(Embedded Video)
Animations for Formless are complete and the Henchman just needs a nice death sequence, but otherwise they're pretty graphically completed.Frame numbers for posing is up from the Duke3d version, I've added at least two frames to each action. The Formless has 6 attack and move frames, 1 …