Thats right, I gots a demo of current progress in the Evaldraw engine.However the final may not be in evaldraw, but just using the script style and a build-specific source build….but thats for later.I suppose this makes up for all the teasing that the Duke3d version caused, since it required you to own duke3d's GRP file to play…and of course now I'm starting at a level below before…But now I have -total- control over how I can make this game.The demo is basic, has a swivel head…Just basic demonstration of lighting, water(not perfect), and instances like bubbles, smoke and drips/splahesNo big splashes yet, since I need to work on the water code.No attacking yet either.However everything is nicely contained in under 2mb, take that….other engines.
Oh thank god. Also, for default camera code, that's pretty fucked up O_o
Tetris clone?
My grip on reality is tenuous at best :DWorks (it was the .ini thing).
Those voxel stalactites look very… Freudian.nice, but i agree with the motion problem. I like how angular the ground is.
While, in my opinion, the swivel gave it a more realistic, flowing, and comfortable feel than most modern first person games that I play today, it does need to be toned down. Just try looking up or down - the camera starts to spin in circles! But, when fixed, the camera might be my favorite part of the game.
Very nice engine. Though I'd ditch Evaldraw ASAP. It's a very nice program for on the spot problem solving though. But it has got instabilities.
DF, my OCD wants to stab you in the FUCKING EYES every time you put the same stupid tiny text in your posts. is this place THAT desperate for content?
Hel you do realize that is a bbcode signature >:{
Fine I removed it. Yah happy, Mr OCD?peace is restored to the kingdom.