64jam #2 April 6-20 Theme: Disturbing

Posted by Toast on March 30, 2013, 2:18 p.m.





Based on Ludum Dare jam rules

1. You can work alone or in a team.

2. Create a game in 7 days.

3. Games should be based on the theme.

4. All libraries, middleware, content creation, and development tools are allowed.

5. Source code is not required.


Kunedon 11 years, 9 months ago

Ugh, I can't do disturbing. Looks like I'm going to have to sit back and wait for next week.

Cesque 11 years, 9 months ago

I have… an idea.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 9 months ago

Very disturbing.

My nightmares are fueled by ellipses, and my biggest fear is unfitted, polychromatic skull tiles.

Astryl 11 years, 9 months ago

Quote: SMP
I was just surprised that people had taken such offense to it.
I just didn't know what the hell to do with it :(

Oh, progress. 'k.

I've got:

> Exploration

> Swords

> Dialogue with portraits

> Acid

> A main theme and the credits theme

> No idea what I'm doing.

EDIT: Main Theme in case anybody wants to hear it.

Cesque 11 years, 9 months ago

The bad news is, I'm out. The good news is, this is partially because I'm busy working on my main game. Besides, I have a midterm test this week… which I need to prepare for my students, and grade.

In case you're interested, my idea was to have a platform version of Amnesia's "keep out of the water" segment, where you'd need to cross a room without disturbing the water.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 9 months ago

Main Theme in case anybody wants to hear it.
Yhus. Decent graphics so far, I like the character's giant feet.

Why is the music entirely right panned?

My headphones weren't plugged in all the way.


where you'd need to cross a room without disturbing the water.
The floor is lava!

This sounds really interesting in concept but when you think of it a little more, it's basically like any other platformer ever. Except maybe with the inclusion of HL2 style pick-up-and-move platforms.

Toast 11 years, 9 months ago

@Cesque Liking the theme interpretation

In other news I've done loads but still no graphics so it looks the same as last time.

My schedule is roughly:

Mon: Graphics

Tues: Level design/story scripting

Weds: More graphics

Thurs: Sound/music

Fri: Panic

Rez 11 years, 9 months ago

I've gone into a trance making an elaborate background. I was smart though, I coded some dialogue stuff beforehand. I'll most likely go past the deadline though.

Castypher 11 years, 9 months ago

Ehh, I've been going a little animation-heavy and struggling with some of GM's image quirks. I probably won't meet the deadline with the product I'd intended for but I can cut out some content and hopefully keep the feel intact.

colseed 11 years, 9 months ago

Toast i think i'll be using a slightly modified version of your schedule

Mon: Panic

Tues: Panic

Weds: Panic

Thurs: Nap

Fri: Panic