Taming Program Complexity
So I wrote a blog about the issue of program complexity.
Its aimed at novice to intermediate programmers, and I hope it stirs some thought about how you can better write code without getting drowned in details. Nothing too new, so excuse if some of it is a 'duh' to …lanarts RPG video
So I finally got around to making a video for all yall lazy bums
(Embedded Video)The video demonstrates one spell pretty much. There is another spell that bounces off multiple enemies.Note that the game balance is subject to change, it starts a tad hard right now.If you're …lanarts RPG status
Ludamad Does Game Dev
Hello again. Progress hasn't been that amazing while busy with job and all, but I do get to hack on every now and then on work, and I try to get a good hour or two in of development every day. Most of the recent work has been towards getting …
LudaRPG update
So I'm totally not being trendy. Seriously. I've been picking away at this RPG since last summer (although production only really picked up recently) and I'm not entering the RPG competition thusly (not eligible).
The game aims to capture the spirit of the rogue-like genre, in a fast-paced real-time online …LudamadRPG
So way before this contest started, I started the journey towards making a lan-able, real-time rogue-like-like. In its current state it encompasses lua scripting (currently for item effects, in the file package res/lua/effects.lua), yaml markup (for all monster stats/level generation stats, in the .yaml files inside the 'res' folder), and …
im new here
hi guys im new here whatup
So I decided to blog about my game on 64Digits. Its written in C++ and currently hosted at http://code.google.com/p/lanartsYou can clone the git and should be able to compile using cmake on linux, windows, mac (mac not tested). I have a windows binary …[luda] Tower Defence
Recently I started messing around with another flash tower defence game.
The graphics are butt ugly, so excuse them.The towers are single shot, slow shot, explosive shot, and power up tower.Hit shift to go 5x speed (makes testing less tedious)http://64digits.com/users/ludamad/Tower3.swfComments and such are welcome but I …This is content
Dear [shlongbeast]
Dear [shlongbeast], or as you are better known, ]tsaebgnolhs[.
I'm done my first year of university now, and I haven't visited 64Digits in ages, so I decided to write you a blog. But then I decided not to.