The man who would but wouldn't
It can't be that that we're about to waste some more of staticfire's bandwidth with the distribution of Carnage Heart
Anyways, I've changed draw_text to text where text is draw_text(argument0,argument1,mcap(argument2)) and mcap randomly uppercases a lowercased string. I'm thinking I might integrate mcap into text thoughAnyways, starting to work …You're ugly
y=(v>mplay.mid*4-3)*240+(v&3>1)*24So yes, my coordinate equation is ugly. Deal with itBecause one day, you'll have to deal with the fact that you're ugly. And it'll be harder than dismissing a few ugly lines of code. Or will you dismiss your life with even more ease?What is the …Thought
Just realized the thoughts one senses in their mind are not thoughts, but the outputs of thought
So yes, working on menu interface. Making it mouse based, so very ugly coding. It'll allow for a mere 16 different bots. The real diversification starts with the AIProgramming is for the …Carnage Heart, really getting into this one
I'm away for the weekend to my sister's. There was some talk of perhaps looking into Ikaruga. Which would mean I'll of played it almost a year after finding interest in it. But that probably won't happen
So I leave you. With this note. Today, children were playing. And I …Blasted, hit load instead of save
Since I've entered the entering phase of game creation, I am dreary on things to say. Maybe I'll get screenshots once I have something working
The game is an online Befunge AI system, highly inspired by Carnage HeartI'm thinking I'll call it Bebrain to credit Befunge, or Brainware because …JOSH=SISSY!
Yes, that's right, JOSH IS A SISSY!Why? Because he won't convert for({a=0;b=1};a<5;{a+=1;b-=1}){show_message(string(a)+" "+string(b))} into a a=0;b=1;while(a<5){show_message(string(a)+" "+string(b));a+=1;b-=1}(If you do not believe, put it into GM yourself)So ya, I might never use for{}, but that's beside the point. The point is …It seems everything is conspiring against me and working
Found a copy of PyOpenGL 2 ported over and BAM works
So I've nothing to say, have some ugly Tiny Lisp;defun cons car cdr if equal 1+ 1-(defun nah (x)(if x nil t))(defun add (x y)(if (< y 0) (-sub x y)(if (= y 0) …Now I'm off schedule, you silent lambs+Rawrspoon's Request
If it is requested we front more, I'll front this unfront that was not meant for you to read upon
There is nothing to say but that which is never said, and so I say that which needs no saying now. This has no relevancy, but to state the obvious …Knowledge is most dangerous in the hands of the ignorant
"Where are you going?"
"Where are your shoes?""What are you doing out?""Who are you?""Are you okay?""Leave him alone"Does anyone truly want to be alone?