I'm Not Sadistic Anymore
Just a play on my previous title.
So to people who're familiar with my last blog, here's a finisher, and to those who aren't, all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?Anyhow, ended up finishing the first season of When They Cry, or Higurachi as I've …Now I Guess I'm a Sadistic Freak
But we'll get to that later. There are some spoilers in this blog I guess. But I doubt you'll care too much as you probably haven't heard of it.
So, here's a perfectly normal non-game oriented blog. First off, I'm going back to school in the fall, and this time …League of Legends?
Apparently anytime I write a devblog, it fails. Oh well.
I've been seeing talk of this game around 64D. Since I don't have a decent online game to play, I thought I'd download it. Pretty cool as far as I see. I love RTS games. But there's one problem.After …Project Falconwing DevBlog
I haven't had a devblog for this game, I think. Maybe one or two pictures, but no real information. This is an old game that I submitted for a YYG contest a while back, and then it was pretty short and low quality, but it was the only game I …
The Other Time
Some Music, and Revisiting LODM
It's been a while since I've done a decent blog, because I wouldn't count the Patrick one.
Anyway, I did a bit of music recently actually on request. But since I don't think they're going to use it, I'm going to go ahead and post it here. It's fairly short, …No, This is Patrick
What do you think of THAT? Posting tons of pictures. Well I have a funny story for you. You don't get any. Besides, I don't have any to give. You've all seen me. You miss it, too bad.
Maybe I'll put something later.Short blog, being taken off the front …E3 Day 1
Nobody's posted a blog of this yet? I thought people might spam it. Oh well. I need some reason to blog anyway. Haven't had anything decent to say.
Watched a few videos of E3. Today's conferences were Microsoft, EA, and UbiSoft. Tomorrow we have Nintendo and Sony. Whee.So let's …Next Week is WIP Week
So I've got support from one person about putting some time into several WIPs to release normally on 64Digits to defibrillate the queue. This will, I hope, cause a CHAIN REACTION, which will have users think, "Hey, if he can put up an incomplete game like this, why can't I?" …
MOAR Tornado Warnings and Possible WIP Day
No news here. This alert came once before, but the storm preceding the tornado barely missed us. Don't worry, Kilin's not going to die.
And if I do, nobody will remember my pitiful GM projects. That's a sad thought indeed."Hey, whatever happened to Lixies? I loved those guys…."Speaking …