5014R 5Y573M
Yo dawgs I be the solar system so i be better than all those dang planets.
So yeah, hmmm….My classes this semester are super easy compared to last semester. It's amazing how much of a difference going to a community college can make. I think I could pass all …A new KaBlog for you to read.
I guess it's been a while since my last blog, so here I am typing one.
I'm going to a different college this semester, it's a community college and I'm just finishing up some of my basic core classes. It's a lot closer and cheaper so it's pretty nice, I …Limited Edition Offer
So apparently the Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii has been discontinued in the USA because it is a collectors edition (with the fancy case and stuff). I'm gonna try to buy it today after I cash my christmas checks, a couple gamestops in my area should still have copies.
Something …No Pain No Gain
As I said in my last blog, I got my wisdom teeth out on monday morning. Thing is, my mouth hasn't hurt at all. I mean, there was some bleeding and other stuff but no actual pain. I never took any medicine or anything. Yesterday I started eating normally, soda …
No Moar Wisdom For Me
I had my wisdom teeth taken out this morning, I had 3 of them. The top 2 had partially come in but the bottom was never gonna come out. So far I haven't been in any real pain, im still numb on the left side which is where the bottom …
Merry New Years!?!
So yeah, I had a pretty good christmas this year. Got 3 things off the list gave my parents, which is an unusually high number.
The main gifts i got this year were:Photoshop CS4 extended (completely unexpected, my dad always said it was too expensive to have as a …A Winter Break Blog
Hey guys, I'm out of school for christmas now but still busy with stuff <_<
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Jan 4th =/ I have 3 of them, 2 on top and 1 on bottom and both of the top ones have started coming in, its just the …Various Tiny Projects
Hey, I haven't blogged in forever because I didn't want to blog until Pokemon Twilight V5 was ready, but Game Fortress has delayed it so long that I'm going to blog anyway.
So I've been making some good progress on my website stuff since my last blog, I reached version …A New Theme In Town
This blog is only about my websites:
Back when I first started all my major web design projects, I wasn't so good at the actual design part. I already had enough knowledge of PHP and programming in general to develop blogs and forums, but I had little experience in making …The Shish KaBlog
hmm…schools been ok.Yeah…Websites:I'm making some good progress on my forums, a lot of the major systems are either done or semi-planned at this point. I'm also making some progress on OrbScape and I redid the layout of the Pokemon Twilight siteAs far as 64d …