Progress has been made in Zombcheez. Here are some more ideas I had.
It will have a few skills, maybe 8 at the beginning. Stuff like attack, defence, health, cheese, intimidation, etc. It will also have 2 health related meters, the first is HP which works like most games. But …Zombcheez
I have a brand new idea for a game that I wanted to share, well it’s not exactly brand new but I wasn’t planning on doing it anytime soon. Basically, it’s a game based off my Zombcheez story. Game play wise, it’s like if you took RuneScape and make …
April Fools Madness!
You guys have got to check out this April Fools joke I did on my website, I took it down off the main page but the php page is still up at http://gameplague.com/april.php (its not one of those stupid endless buttons or porn or anything, it’s just some cool looking …
A KaBlog
Oh man, when 64d first went down I planned on writing blogs on Game Plague and then compiling them all into 1 mega blog when 64d finally came back. But I only made 2 blogs before getting bored of waiting so theres just way to much for me to remember. …
The year of the Record
This year I got a record number of items from my christmas list, 3 (maybe 4, if you count something I left off the list cause it didn't need to be on there). Yeah, I usually don't get what I ask for =p I also usually only get 1-2 games. …
The year of the Galaxy
It was Christmas last year when I got Super Mario Galaxy, as of today I have 119 stars. So it's basically taken me a year but I am about to beat the game (with mario).
Ostrich is a WEIRD word.TONIGHT WE DINE IN OSTRICHSo christmas is teh next …A Pivotal Moment in History
Today I finally purchased a NES. I've only played an actual NES a few times before and this one came with a bunch of games I have never played =] I also already had Air Wolf which I got for $1 on ebay a few weeks ago. I now personally …
The Final Thingakabob...
I had my first final exam today, in Political Science. It was twice as long (2 essays, 4 short answer) as a normal test in there, but it wasn't any harder and took the same amount of time o.0
Tomorrow I have the ultra easy Geology exam and then thursday …[GP]Gone Green
Yep, it's official. Game Plague has gone green!
Alright, so it's just a green skin but whatever. Took all my free time today to fix up the css and create the skin. I also noticed and fixed a very small problem in firefox.For comparison purposes:http://gameplague.com/index.php?skin=1http://gameplague.com/index.php?skin=2Which is …Game Plague
Well it's time again for me to discuss Game Plague.
Basically, some major work is coming up in the next few days. First of all, I am going to be adding in a file manager very similar to the one here, only with folders and maybe some more file …