Walking cï½?ntrï½?dictiï½?n
Father, the sleeper has not awakened.
See, it's so easy to be crazy. Life becomes simple. Decisions become clear as day to make. Doubt takes a backseat. Disbelievers get pushed away. The smart ones wonder what's wrong. The believers have a leader.I am an atheist in the sense that …Goodnight Princess
For the time being this is still my diary.
My rat was put down today. A couple of days ago she developed a tumor behind her eye that made it look like she was heavily attacked… that was actually my first response. I thought she did that to herself out …I got syrup on my shorts
It's so easy to mess up clothing. All you have to do is not pay attention. All you have to do is relax, sit back, remember you just finished taking care of some important shit like getting out fresh of an exam, doing laundry, and cleaning the dishes. Then, once …
the homiest of homies
when you can say whatever the hell you want, you got a bro.
when you can tell someone else when they fucked up and they take the correction to adjust, you got a browhen you have fears and a guy reminds you that nobody likes a little bitch, you …oh my god
scrubs is amazing. season 1 = goldmine
Work Now, Fun Later
While 64Digits is on it's last legs, I would like to take a moment to come clean and say that I am always running in cycles. It's like I get a menstruation cramp and go MIA in the real world. Anything that is not inside my own head is considered …
my hair is super curly
when i wake up i think of what i can do to make myself feel good. if i feel good and start to enjoy my day, i'll enjoy getting out of bed right? ya, hell yeah. so i go to the kitchen and cook myself a pair of eggs, bacon, …
"Berzerk" / Sometimes I Have No Concept of Fear
(Embedded Video)
I just got away with murder. And I'll explain as soon as my text reaches the length to not show the full entry in the front page. In the meantime, I got owned by the April Fools joke… no lie, since I asked why I hadn't been made …so dark and edgy broski
this place is dumb and you should all feel dumb for it