Multitudinous Aggregate
Everyone's posting blogs about game projects; time to board the bandwagon.
Also, this blog has content. Yes. And pictures. Ohhh yes.So, I don't do as much game development as I ought to, but exciting project ideas always spur my creativity. The following three concepts are my goals for this …The Regular Life
Another blogggin.
LifeThe last blog I posted was done just before the beginning of my final high school year. I'm now about 4 weeks in, and things have changed since that pretentious emo blog. I'm doing pretty good at school, and I'm taking it all a lot more seriously; …Looking Back
It's been a damn long time. I haven't posted a blog since August/September last year, and I almost forget what I'm doing. I've still been here, lurking, +1ing and posting occasionally.
Although there is a reason due to my infrequency. I typically prefer to have content such as art, and …64Digits Art Collab
So, ever heard of Tzigla? It's this collaborative art project thingamajig, that lets artists contribute tiles to eventually form a crazy awesome big picture. I've done a few tiles on a few boards, and it serves as an exhilarating creative out-let, and it's tremendously fun.
Typically, the boards have …Minecraft: SMP in SMP
Just wanted to post a blog of Minecraft screenshots I've gathered over multiplayer. Some of these go waaaay back.

How low, can you go
As some of you may have heard, Limbo got released on PC.I kind of liked the game. The movement/physics were great, and despite the slow response jumping, it felt right. The puzzles were a bit too easy. You die quite a lot, and as the developers have stated, …Drawing for people on Chatroulette
I've been researching many artists recently, following their blogs and the like, and seeing many people here talk about digital art, tablets, etc spurred my artistic desire. I decided to blow the dust off my Wacom tablet and try my first legitimate foray into digital drawing.I don't actually …Brand spanking new sketch
DOOM NIGHT. And some sculpture.
I've never played the original DOOM before, and recently remembered that it was most imperative that I do so, so I bought the original DOOM on Steam, and tonight I'm loading up on snacks, finding a comfortable place to sit, prepping a music playlist for while I play the game, …
Recently played games...
I've played a few interesting games recently, and thought I'd do a quick synopsis of a few. Over Christmas, Steam had a bunch of sales, stuff like $3 for 4 games, so I went crazy buying that shit. Many of the games have been left un-installed in my library, but …