Now located at Mod Database
Wrapping up the first.
Coming close to wrapping up the first level, although I still still have plans to expand some areas later on. However I feel its time I start working on the second map which is about half-way completed.
Now most water surfaces can be seen through, and underwater areas in more …Life aquatic.
Harmless aquatic life form, runs from you if you get too close. Killable but with no benefits. Rodents will be next.
Going all out with it.
So I decided I'm just going to cave and create a nice water effect for more areas.
Thing is though its tricky to do this effect, its a learning process too since there is no actual documentation on how to do it. Its a faking of rooms of over rooms …See in the water, because you can.
Its amazing the power of build in a 8bit resolution can do some nice transparencies and other such fancy hacks of color manipulation.
And theres room's over rooms water sector effect, which turns out like this.(Embedded Video)More than video per blog, weirdness occurs...
I was going to attach this to my last blog, but weird things happened, I won't get into it…
Heres inside the ruin areas with the new palette.(Embedded Video)ATMO-SPHER-IC!
So I created a program that allows me to manipulate the duke3d palette, yes its a 8bit res game…
Also a program to extract/import images to the palette format. So I've brightened the hightlights of the colors and made the black a bluish black for a more atmospheric fade off …Behold, mah rig...some of it from the 90s!
Cleaned up nicely.
Darkened the grass and other such stuff, here's a quick run from one end to the town. Beware the cannons…
(Embedded Video)