New SSB Engine
Another Project...
[JSG] New Projects
I have 2 new projects. Check them out. Also, go to my new website:
I used to have a cool freewebs one, but Java messed it up… Oh well. EDIT: Here's my third new project:[JSG] Gahhhhhh! Not Again!
Well, guess what, people! Something great happened to me!
Here is the list of events:- I wake up at 5:34- I get dressed- I go out to the computer- I turn it on- I log in- I go to 64D- I don't find …[JSG] Google
Whenever you are trying to find hard-to-find game resources, Google is not the answer. I need a house tileset and a road tileset, but I can't find any. Is there a site that has a ton of tilesets?
Also, Google thinks that when I type in tileset, I mean Mah …[JSG] Holy <insert swear word of your choice here>
My file manager still doesn't work and my example I submitted on June 2nd hasn't been verified yet. Darn.
Anyway, I made a ton of new examples and I'm waiting for them to get verified too. I am also making a software called GameCraft, which you can make RPGs with. …[JSG] Ditto.
Ditto. If you're really stupid, you won't know that I'm talking about my previous blog. If you're really, really, stupid, you won't know that I am trying to be patient. The only other people I've heard of who have the FM problem are Nighthawk17 and pedro_dh. I'm glad I can …
Oh my freakin' God! I can't get my file manager to work! Man. I really have to have a talk with those mods. Just kidding, but you know what I mean. My stupid file manager still doesn't work. It hasn't worked for five days now… I am so mad! Anyway, …
[JSG] Yay.
I still can't work my stupid file manager. I can upload images and some .zip files, but my Scope game or any other game will not upload. It still has the same message: " could not be moved." Almost everyone else's file manager works, why doesn't mine?
Anyway, since I …[JSG] What?
I'm trying to upload my game Scope, but it won't let me upload it in .exe form and when I try .zip it says:
" could not be moved". Which is weird. Anyway, this is my first blog on 64D. Here's the description for Scope:Scope is a game that …