Brother Android on
SPACE HYMNS, warm fuzzy lo-fi chiptunes.
Hey there, 64Digits. Nice to see you back from the dead.
Anyway, I write this with tidings of a BRAND NEW ALBUM of lo-fi chiptunes. It has been remarkably well-liked by all who have heard it so far, so you should hear it too. Ahem:
Let's Play Another Game
Okay, so last time the things I chose for you to identify were too hard, apparently. Let's try again.
1. god is a place you will wait for the rest of your life2. death on two legs, you never had a heart3. hey man slow down4. oh …Let's Play A Game.
Here's the game: following are some song lyrics. You have to identify the song and artist (if you know one, I imagine you know the other). And NO Googling. Note: these songs are somewhat randomly selected; they're all songs I like, but not really significant beyond that.
1. you were …Jabberwock Sings, 64Digits Returns, and other unrelated events.
Jabberwock Sings!
So I have been making music lately. This is where you can listen to my was also involved in the making of some other music, with my brothers. They did most of the songwriting, but that's okay. They're good at it. I ended up playing …In An Interstellar Burst, I'm Back To Save The Universe. And I Made A Song.
Actually, I made several songs, but I only feel like sharing the one. Featuring my good friend Microsoft Sam on backing vocals. for the heck of it:Through your windoweverything lookslike a ghost, like a ghost, like a ghost.But surely you knowthere never were …I Made A Song/Somebody To Lean On/O Muse!
Wow. I guess it's been a while.
It seems that people are falling apart all around me. I, who was once a roiling cauldron of mood swings and depressive, fatalistic thoughts, have somehow become the most solid object in sight. I am a rock. I am an island. People somehow …Happy April 30th
Two blogs in two days? God forbid!
First order of business: Sparklehorse is a great band. (Well, actually it's just one guy, with a revolving cast of backing players, including members of The Flaming Lips and Tom Waits.) He has a very unusual aesthetic, both musically and lyrically. This is …I Wrote A Song & Happy April 29th
- April 29 -
Bodily state: sick, but not too sick.Mental state: nearly euphoric.Reading: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. An incredible book, if books are your thing.Listening to: IN RAINBOWS IN RAINBOWS IN RAINBOWS…and Simon and Garfunkel. With a side of Crosby, Stills, Nash …Happy April 10th
I realize I have not been what one would call "active" lately. That probably will not change. But then again, it might. I have projects I'd like to finish, but my interest in Game Maker, sadly, is dwindling, as is time to spend using it. I want to finish Mekanos, …