Ugly people
Yes, today in science there was much mob movement. Mob looking at marks, mob grabbing ice cream, mob having pictures taken. Can't stand people, lumping over each other. Persons are much better
rR Whole little section here to say I've finally beaten GW7Odd part is that I beat 7D …Tataratat
Today while walking into school, I was struck with a chant of "Tataratat tat" and instant bliss struck. No thoughts could pass through the solid noise of "tataratat tat tataratat tat tataratat tat" but then, when reminded of it on the bus home, I found it had lost the rhythm, …
Nemesis was a good read, for 50 cents more so
So yes. I went to my grandparents for father's day. My father got a book, however, so I spent the whole time reading. So that whole trip didn't really matter, besides the fact that I had to sleep on a couch and listen to my grandparents bicker. Crazy people*
rR …f(x)=(x%1)-(x%1)*((x-(x%1))%2)
Golden ratio how you bug me, making me forget a single term was my demise and oh ya, I pass English even if I fail so blech
Anyways, I've decided to continue on and note some things about series of series (I hate speaking that, people always think I'm saying …Once upon a time
Change was an easy thing. With a single thought it could be employed. But then one day some not so funny jester of being a jackass humorist decided to change how easy change was. Since then, changing has been hard. So hard that changing change isn't up to change
Better than not but best not better. If I could be any part of a book
I'd be a footnote. The little tiny text that always turns out to be more interesting than the actual book because it contains more information than the overly simplified version of a concept which has been put through so many layers of abstraction that the concepts are receiving personification*. That's …
Horizontal lightning growing deeper
Not so late one late night it drizzled after thunder and with arcs it shone for lightning was still in the sky. Around the block, the cycle was broken at the final house away. Down the streets, no shoes to save the feet from feeling the tarred earth. Down roads …
Spirals spiraling everywhere I look they still spin they won't stop but I don't want them to ever yet they do and they spin around and around I am falling they are there just beneath me, unwinding into each other to wind again around me and I am surrounded and …
I didn't even realize it
So I solved this Lychrel problem with about 5 lines of code that consisted of a recursive definition and a lambda expression. When I first saw recursive stuff, I didn't quite get it. And I'm unsure if I do yet, but I'm at the point where I design programs with …