Early morning I call out to thee and speak in unelegant babble so that you may chatter with me
So I was like I should write but only with no punctuation not even newlines because newlines and periods and commas and all that are for preps and apostrophes are for lazy people who cannot write all the words or just go without putting little dots all over their prose …
Always assume the best intentions
You'd be surprised by how often you're right
(That being said, always expect the worst results from people. You won't be surprised by how often you're right)What is happening to me is not copypasting
Today I broke the cage down to 60%
This means it is only 40% brokenI will probably be unable to break it further for another couple monthes. But in a way, I will break from the other cageYou feeble minded things should now realize that humans are creaturs …0th Person
Hurt struck died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran died cried venged ran …
Just try to prove it wrong
Lesson? Don't make 500000 entry Python dictionariesOh, and I've got a little struggle to give. 55% in Careers means not much room to fool in. And there's no exam, just a 30% cumulative assignmentAnyways, yay for IDLE being written in Python. blablablayaypythonyayblablabla …I heard rumors those lies are true
They say Lisp is beautiful. It isn't
But it is a more functional imperitive thing (Can't stand pure languages *glares at Haskell*)And so, a little lisp in one's babbled code will allow them to take advantage of Python's functional side. Imperitive is popular because it is quick and dirty. …SO I WAS LIKE BAI STEEEEEEEVEN
Ya, so that guy's gone. Now I'm alone, alone with my toe. I bit my toe before it could bite me, and so it bled. Bleed oh mighty toe so that one day we shall bleed with you. But until such days do come I beg you pardon our dry …
The language that tamed the ErprE
y=3while y<1415:. x=y. while x<1999999:. . x+=y. . g[x]=1. y+=2. while y<1415 and g[y]==1:y+=2x=3y=2while x<1999999:. if g[x]==0:y+=x. x+=2print y(Ya, Python even has a smooth swap like ASM (Okay, so you have to write the variables …