Time to get down to business

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 15, 2012, 8:12 a.m.

In which Mega gets all serious and businesslike

Oh, and there's some philosophical/political bull at the bottom of the blog

Right, time to talk about something important

Regarding the site and stuff to fix, of course.

Today I'm going to start placing some links on the relevant pages that'll …

I officially withdraw

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 13, 2012, 12:36 a.m.


Here, have some new music I made in the small hours of the morning:


Yup. I withdraw from the competition. First of all, my game isn't anywhere near ready yet, and even then: It doesn't fit the theme at all.

I want to finish it though, because it's …

Ye longblog of awesome...

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 10, 2012, 1:36 a.m.

I specialize in these, no? [/heavySovietAccent]



I fixed all RSS categories. Now some of the people who can actually add a link to the relevant pages without screwing up the styles should kindly add them.


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EDIT: One …

[MEGA] Fixing time

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 8, 2012, 1:38 a.m.

I.. did something…


Hey, here's another one:

Recent Blogs

Heh. Let's see how this turns out…

That's only the one page though. Somebody borked 90% of the SQL queries, the doc-type was wrong for RSS, and… nevermind. I'll finish the rest tomorrow, now that I know what's wrong.

Question: …

I'd best get started

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 6, 2012, 1:05 a.m.

But first, new avatar:

Now then, onto some blog.

I borked my text adventure by underestimating the design involved. Also, I'm a crappy fiction writer. Next…

So I decided to, as per usual, make an NES styled game. Now, this doesn't mean it'll be a platformer (Though it probably will …

Here I go again...

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 4, 2012, 1:20 a.m.

I can't stop writing blogs for 64digits, but I can't be arsed to write anything for other sites.

That proves a lot.

I know I blogged yesterday, but… I have more stuff to write that I don't just want to tack on to the end of my last blog.

Of …

I'm back. And you didn't know I was gone!

Posted by Astryl on Feb. 3, 2012, 8:28 a.m.

Heh. I went on a little road-trip yesterday, spent the night at my old habitation from 2010 (With my aunt and uncle) and returned today. I finally found some Lions, but they weren't walking the streets.

Actually, I found a black panther and a white tiger too (Seriously). There's this …

I gave up and extended my blog

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 30, 2012, 1:09 a.m.

… on my game. Honestly, if I have to spend one more hour of my time trying to write the descriptions for this thing I'm going to go mad and implode. So have the unfinished game, along with the 'orrible source code.

In the meanwhile, I'm going to try to …

Bandcamp and more Adventure

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 27, 2012, 1:52 a.m.

I'm starting to get sick of my Adventure game already. Bad. I'll probably just just scrape by with finishing it in time.

NPC's are currently being fleshed out, and can wander around in a list of 'allowed' rooms, performing 'actions' and saying random things.

Sir Greyson slaps you around a …


Posted by Astryl on Jan. 24, 2012, 1:20 a.m.

No, not Mega Man Legends.

MML. Music Macro Language.

What is MML? A Musical notation language for creating music for a variety of old systems, and MIDI. Of course, I'm using the NES variation (Though I have a version that makes music for the CPS-1 system. Be jealous Cyrus :P) …