Coding Crazy

Posted by Astryl on July 6, 2011, 10:19 a.m.

I must say this: My version of GM8 has been downgraded back to LITE.

Good thing is, I don't care! I'm using my game engine now for… everything.

Anyway, without much to say, I decided that an update is in order for my list of projects.

HYDRA Engine

My pride …


Posted by Astryl on June 30, 2011, 12:42 p.m.

I'm sure some of you (Cyrus) are familiar with the above device… and others with the 2A03, or the SID, perhaps the GBS.

Now, I don't have any videos or downloads to post here, (Though there will be one tomorrow)… but I did something awesome.


I made …


Posted by Astryl on June 21, 2011, 3:32 p.m.

Literally, WTF?

It lives?

For the unenlightened, COBOL is one of the oldest programming languages out there, invented in 1959…

And your local friendly stock market/corporation/defense force still uses it.

So why do I care? Because I can get a job programming in it easily, since COBOL programmers are …

Minecraft? What's Minecraft?

Posted by Astryl on June 15, 2011, 3:57 p.m.

So, two days ago I was wandering through the wilderness of the Drakalor chain, muttering some incantations to myself, when I stumbled upon a pack of wild jackals. As I was being torn apart, I remembered that Blazing Potion I had in my pocket, as well as the Light potion. …

Helplessness sucks. So do fevers.

Posted by Astryl on June 2, 2011, 11:03 a.m.

Since they happen to be tied into each other. I'm on my PC, feeling like crap, with a temperature of 38.something and unable to move my thoughts one iota towards the production/progression of a single program I was working on. It also has the added disadvantage of rendering my thought/speech …

I wanna actually finish something for once!

Posted by Astryl on May 12, 2011, 1:09 p.m.

OK, let me just admit it: QUICKROGUE SUCKS. Badly. I'm just… dropping it.

Instead, I'm tinkering with the older one again (You know, the 3D First Person style roguelike, which is more likely to be Daggerfall in play-style).

So besides that, I'm once again juggling too many projects to count; …


Posted by Astryl on April 28, 2011, 5:52 a.m.


Play it, kill thieves, be killed by the boss, criticize!

Demo 1

Read Information.txt in the zip.

Inventory systems in GM suck.

Posted by Astryl on April 18, 2011, 9:47 a.m.

I was locked away for several nights, delving into the arcane workings of a dynamic inventory. And I succeeded. In C++ it would've been a lot easier (Polymorphism, better primitive data-structures, speed).

This is what I managed to do:

It's fully functional, and any item I create that is a …

I'm taking over these internetz

Posted by Astryl on April 12, 2011, 2:31 a.m.

Looks like my clones are training on 64digits again. >_>

So.. I had a screenshot of my Roguelike's inventory system… but I forgot to put it on my USB Flash Drive (I'm using another computer to access the internet).

So I will describe it to you; it looks kinda like …

Going Rogue

Posted by Astryl on April 3, 2011, 9:50 a.m.

Anybody remember the Realtime Roguelike I was making? If so, you get a free cookie later on in the year.

Anyway, I had to redesign it. See, it turns out I managed to get a facsimile of the original idea running in Game Maker, and… it sucked.

Basically, imagine a …