New side project

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 30, 2014, 2:45 p.m.

So, I was coerced by a few people last night to try whip up something for the One Game A Month thing. I failed partially, but came out ahead with a really interesting little concept game.


(Embedded Video)

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Threw this together in GMS quickly, …

First impressions of Dark Souls

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 28, 2014, 4:45 p.m.

So, Ferret kindly gave my Dark Souls a couple of nights ago (Thanks Ferret :3), and it finished downloading this morning. Playing it offline, since I want to get used to the game on my own without a bunch of phantoms scaring the living crap outta me :P

Maybe on …


Posted by Astryl on Jan. 25, 2014, 7:26 a.m.

I was poking around today, and noticed my old exile.plan file. The .plan file is an old programmer tradition, used for organizational purposes, as a handy changelog and a convenient way to find out what the heck you did the night before. If you remember to update them.

Anyway, the …

News and Opinion

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 22, 2014, 3:27 a.m.

Yesterday, I started using Rescuetime on RC's recommendation.

My productivity instantly increased, since it felt like I had a smug bastard standing behind my back watching my every move. So I was productive 75% of the time between 11AM and 6PM yesterday. Much code was written.

I was specifically beginning …

I take a week off...

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 18, 2014, 6:58 a.m.


So I quietly disappear for a week, come back and:

> reidd has been unbanned

> somebody starts a Consoles vs PCs topic

> LAR's city is burning

> somebody else starts a stereotype 'want team, will pay bugger-all' blog.

And most shockingly:

> 64digits weekly gaming night has …

Messing around with 3D Modeling

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 7, 2014, 6:03 p.m.


The peek I did take at this has gotten me interested in working on this sort of project myself; unfortunately for me, I'm a horrible modeler. Absolutely horrible. Let us not even talk about animation. And time. And… I shouldn't even be thinking about it.

That reminded me …

Mega's Recollection of 2013

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 3, 2014, 5:21 a.m.

Going through my folder of projects from last year, I came to a realization…

That realization being that I've done very little in the way of game development, when compared to, say, 2012, 2011… Even 2010.

I blame the fact that I'm getting fussier about my projects, and I don't …

Fallout 1,2 and Tactics free on GOG for a limited time.

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 12, 2013, 11:57 a.m.

If you have a GOG account, go get them. Now nobody has an excuse for not playing these gems!

Link for the lazy:

It's expiring in 44 hours time.

F4D design blog... (Video)

Posted by Astryl on Dec. 2, 2013, 3:33 a.m.

Captured a quick video, so you guys can see the game in motion.

(Embedded Video)

The music is another teaser/preview of some of the in game music.

Now I'm coming to the part I dread the most: Making stuff for the player to hit with the sword.

Album - Power Up

Posted by Astryl on Nov. 28, 2013, 2:21 p.m.

I sat down last week and started planning on doing my usual compilation release. Pulled together 30 tracks, with 56 minutes of music in total.

It's quite a mix, featuring some of my older music, new music, previously unheard music and some new album art!

Give it a listen if …