Spriting the days away...

Posted by Astryl on May 8, 2012, 2:18 a.m.

Two days before the comp start, I wrote a 'game plan' for the comp. That is, a list of decisions and reasonings behind the choice of tools.

The choice of C++ was a difficult one, because I have many alternatives. So in the end, I decided on a provisional choice: …

Mega's RPG4D Devlog - Part 1

Posted by Astryl on May 3, 2012, 9:29 a.m.

Well, I seem to recall promising a devlog of sorts. So here we go. I know it's only two and a half days into the comp, but I already have a lot going on.

Surprisingly, though: No artwork. Odd, for me.

Anyway: Days progress in pictures

This one is of …

Here we go again.

Posted by Astryl on May 1, 2012, 10:39 a.m.

It's that time of the year again: Another comptition to enter.

Anyway, I got started at about midday. Here's the net progress:

Not much, hmm?

Actually, I already have:

> A stable asset manager

> Three collision detection functions (Point, Rectangle and Line)

> A sprite object

> An object …

My Workspace

Posted by Astryl on April 27, 2012, 9:18 a.m.

EDIT: Here, non-readers. Have something I made:

*Disclaimer*: Wrote this at about 2AM if my other disclaimer is anything to go by. Beware.

Five days, as of writing this, 'til the competition begins. And once again I find myself having to fight the urge to 'give up'.

But I …

Plotting and Planning

Posted by Astryl on April 25, 2012, 9:45 a.m.

World Domination?

Not today. I have a competition to win.

The new, revised and improved plan

I've dropped the DnD influences, I've dropped the original art style I was thinking of, and I've also dropped Traditional on it's face. Because I can.

Let me sum up the core …

Parties Annoy Me

Posted by Astryl on April 23, 2012, 2:20 a.m.

That includes both the 'classic' party, and the 'modern' party. Both are noisy, lack good music, have lots of people competing over food/drink and take forever to wrap up.

Oh yes, this was a womens tea party, one of the worst kinds; held right outside my window too just to …

I'm back in the game of game design...

Posted by Astryl on April 19, 2012, 9:54 a.m.

So I took what Kilin said seriously, and started mucking around with game ideas I liked, then read a couple of design articles here

And then this:

(Embedded Video)

In about 2 and a half hours, if I recall.

Anyway, I'm excited about the ideas I'm getting now, crazy …

Never mind what I said before...

Posted by Astryl on April 18, 2012, 2:21 a.m.

OK, I've decided to take one last shot at game design, before giving it up… forever

Also, somebody remind me not to post blogs if I haven't slept a single hour all night. I tend to say things I regret later.

Unsurprisingly, my parents were kinda annoyed that I …

Took me five years to figure this out

Posted by Astryl on April 17, 2012, 9:15 a.m.


My last blog was too short an irrelevant to anything. This ought to make up for it.

Something for C++ programmers

I've now spent time with both C# and Java, and no longer have too many complaints about them; in fact, I'm using C# for one of my games, …

I'm bored...

Posted by Astryl on April 16, 2012, 2:27 a.m.

This week is going to be slow. I'm entering Ludum Dare 23, and of course the anticipation for both that and RPG4D is driving me crazy.

Anyway, have a quick 'sketch' I did in GIMP:

Besides that, I'm probably going to attempt to make a quick game today/tomorrow, in …