i haven't been doing much for the past few days. i've had homework assignments to do but I'm just going to do them today after work. this is me 2 minutes before having to head out to work, which is only going to be 5 hours. yawn.
i keep thinking …adding more pokemons
i'm game developing today! yes, i agree. it's inefficient to try to play smash, play guitar, develop a game, work on school & work, and all while having a social life. but i do get bored of one and this gives me options to go to another hobby whenever i …
one guy with a guitar
i don't know if any of you noticed this, but i really do treat 64D like a diary. last blog, i knew that since it was only geared towards kilin i wasn't necessarily going to get many responses, but oh well! i wanted to reply because i tested how much …
smash 4 analysis 2: in response to kilin
I keep playing smash 4 online more and more. last night, the last three guys I played were in a completely different league from the players i have been destroying lately. i use shiek:

another day in the life, microbiology edition
i have to go take an exam in 40 minutes.
i already know i want to gtfo of school as soon as possible. it's not doing me any good to keep doing something i really don't care about. I KNOW when i'm doing something i care about. when i play …procrastination blawg
i need to write 2000 more words for my essay, why am i online. why why why
oh god maybe if i keep bullshitting myself and keep wasting time the assignment will magically do itself. maybe if i spend 4 of the 5 hours available on 4chun and reddut maybe …i suck at smash 4
i am horrible at smash 4.
i got this game for free… me and my buddy Ben went to my old hometown El Paso for a big Project M tourney. this is a modded version of Super Smash Brothers Brawl, because I personally got bored with brawl after I tried …Hi i'm 21 and what is this
Time and time passes away… i hate that I don't have enough time to do all the things i want to do. why does it go away so fast?? i feel like i'm being robbed. here i am in the year 2014, no longer a teenager but just a guy …
Exit Cursed Black, & Moving On
Hey guys, dabridge here.
I'm starting school and a very hard semester at that. I've made the decision to stop working on Cursed Black completely until I'm done with the semester and I have time to work on it during Christmas time. Reason being that I'm thinking too much on …Falling Off The Earth
I'm pretty upset at myself at how badly I've been treating friendships for the past few years. Ever since I was a little kid, I've always wanted to make friends out of loneliness. Never have I ever been like "oh you know what, I really like this person but I'm …